قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن النجاح

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن النجاح، تعتبر اللغة الانجليزية من اللغات المهمة في العالم والتي يتم من خلالها القيام بالعديد من العلوم المهمة في الحياة.

قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن النجاح؟

من الجدير بالذكر أن اللغة الانجليزية تعد من اللغات المهمة في العالم والتي من خلالها يقوم العديد من البشر بالتحدث بها وتعد اللغة الرسمية للكثير من الدول حول العالم والتي يتزون بها ويتحدثون بها.

حل سؤال قصة قصيرة بالانجليزي عن النجاح؟

حيث يعتبر النجاح من الاشياء المهمة التي يسعى الجميع لتحقيقة في الحياة والتي من خلاله يقوم الشخص بتحقيق أهدافة في الحياة.

It was very much important for Bill Gates to heed the lessons of failure in comparison to celebrating the joy of success. This great entrepreneur who has established Microsoft like the biggest software company is a dropout student from Harvard. Furthermore, he has also been known for his self-owned business figure known as Traf-O-Data which was one of the biggest failures in history. The entire investment of Bill Gates vanished and unfortunately, even the education could also not get completed. But, the keen desire and the passion for the computer programming based stuff led him to establish such a big software company with the brand name ‘Microsoft’.

أفضل إجابة
It was very much important for Bill Gates to heed the lessons of failure in comparison to celebrating the joy of success. This great entrepreneur who has established Microsoft like the biggest software company is a dropout student from Harvard. Furthermore, he has also been known for his self-owned business figure known as Traf-O-Data which was one of the biggest failures in history. The entire investment of Bill Gates vanished and unfortunately, even the education could also not get completed. But, the keen desire and the passion for the computer programming based stuff led him to establish such a big software company with the brand name ‘Microsoft’.

متصفح الويب هو برنامج تستخدمه لفتح ومشاهدة صفحات الويب اجابة سؤال
ابتداء مدة المسح على الخفين عند الشافعية